Goniometer reliability and validity knee
Goniometer reliability and validity knee

goniometer reliability and validity knee

The results of this study indicate that goniometric measurements of the knee joint are both reliable and valid. The data analysis revealed that the intertester reliability (r =. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (r's) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to analyze the data. Reliability and validity of goniometric measurements at the knee. A roentgenogram was taken of the extremity before the subject was moved. The purposes of this study were to assess 1) the intertester reliability of goniometric measurements at the knee and 2) the validity of the clinical measurements by comparing them to measurements taken from roentgenograms. Two physical therapists then independently used a standard plastic goniometer to measure the knee joint angle in the sagittal plane using the greater trochanter, the lateral condyle of the femur, the head of the fibula, and the lateral malleolus as bony landmarks. The assistant then moved the left leg to achieve an arbitrary angle of the knee joint and held the limb in that position. For standardization of the position, an assistant placed the posterior aspect of the subject's left thigh in contact with two 15-cm pegs, which had been inserted perpendicularly into the stabilizing board.

goniometer reliability and validity knee

The subjects were positioned on their right side on a roentgenographic table with their left lower extremity on a stabilizing board that was elevated 15 cm above the table's surface. Thirty healthy subjects between the ages of 20 and 60 years were studied. Further studies should verify these findings for other joints and movement directions.The purposes of this study were to assess the intertester reliability of goniometric measurements at the knee and the validity of the clinical measurements by comparing them to measurements taken from roentgenograms. EA is a reliable, valid, and effective assessment tool for measuring knee angles. EA's validity was very high in active/passive flexion (r = 0.969/r = 0.97) and moderate-to-high measuring active/passive extension (r = 0.751/r = 0.892). EA showed almost perfect reliability measuring active/passive flexion (ICC 0.994/0.994) and extension (ICC 0.978/0.987). Thirty-six knee angles (18 individuals) were measured in standardized order. Reliability was assessed in a test-retest model, while validity was tested by comparing measurements from EA and UG. This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of EA measuring active and passive flexion and extension of the knee joint. The digital goniometer EasyAngle (EA) was developed to improve and simplify the evaluation of ROM. The most widespread method, a manual universal goniometer (UG), is considered time-consuming and difficult to handle. Goniometry is commonly used to evaluate joint range of motion (ROM).

Goniometer reliability and validity knee